'great riddles' of the book of revelation (Chapter 1-22) solved by the
African wizard! the revelations may have not come from the gods
of our forefathers but they contain serious details that affects every
tribe, religion and belief on earth.
select any chapter and see its interpretation. Do not underrate the
bible!, the riddles in it unveil so many secrets about this existence.
The origin of the inventor of life
The WE gives me the authority to identify both the seen and unseen as 'existence'. Nothing in existence has no origin but you can say that the origin of a particular thing is beyond the boundaries of a given reasoning because it is neither connected nor linked directly to the reasoning. God has an origin. The difference between the creator and the created is that the created was created but the creator was not created, in other words, there is a fine line between 'create' and 'born'
God was not created, God was born. Relax i will tell you how.
I will be considering the origins of these four: The unseen, Water, Earth and life. Among the four the unseen is the one which is not seen and the unseen is the unseen because it has no definition, that is why I told you in the WE theory that the unseen started life in other to define to define its self. The life it started is US. Note that I am not here to define the UNSEEN, rather I am here to trace the definition US gives to WE so as to let you understand that the unseen is real.
The Unseen
As it is widely believed, there are no billions and trillions of forces and principalities in the unseen realm, It is just one tiny family and when you and I are included, the family becomes WE.
2 words come in. They are DEFY and DEFINE.
The unseen defies your course of time
The unseen defies your past present and future
The unseen defies your yesterday, today and tomorow
The unseen defies your meaning
Your meaning defines the unseen
Your yesterday, today and tomorrow defines the unseen
Your past, present and future defines the unseen
Your course of time defines the unseen
The Igbo language its self went into arithmetic just to define the unseen. It says MMUO͎ (spirit)
If I give this name a straight interpretation using my sound keys it means nonsense. So I have to spot the arithmetic in the name first before I interpret it.
MMU+O͎= MMUO͎ (spirit)
MMU means ME and O͎ means INVISIBLE or MYSTERY (not defined)
which means that MMUO͎ is the ME who is invisible or a mystery.
The Igbo language is trying to explain that the INVISIBLE is me and it is the ME who is not defined. ME came from this invisible me and when ME is done, ME will return to it. This trows a light to what i have been saying about the INVISIBLE instituting US so as to know its definition.
Lets take a look at this definition of ME in Igbo
MMU (me)
M stands for me
M stands for me
U stands for the identity of God/existance
This defines me as the ME of the ME of the identity of God. The Igbo language goes straight to the point and that's why I will always refer to it.
This definition of me (mmu) is saying that the ME of the invisible employed me to show its identity. The whole MEs (you and I) on earth reveals the identity of God in different ways.
The bible is almost heading to this definition when it states that God said during creation
'let US create MAN in our own image and likeness'
another sound of MMU (me) says MULTIPLE, which means the 'multiple me'. It states that I am God's multiple nature.
How 'God' was born
To spot how this 'God' was born and breast fed, You have to give a look at your self, your society and your world. We will be considering the 2 MEs which include the visible and the invisible. The visible ME will give the sketch and the invisible ME will summarize and conclude.
The visible ME
Three persons must be identified, they are ME,YOU and HE. Before we carry on i will first answer this question.
'who is God?'
The Igbo language calls it CHI, but chi must not be included in this because chi talks about the presence of God.
C stands for character
H stands for presence
I stands for internal/inside
Look! the CHI even says that what is revealed as the presence of God is plural in nature. Its says "the character revealing the inside of the presence of God" might sound a little complicated but i will explain. If being the presence of God is ones call and being the inside of the presence of God is ones call too, then the presence of God must be plural in nature. You will notice that the ancient Ibo land has so man y CHI (gods) anyway, lets return to the question 'who is God?'
G stands for ground
O means invisibility
D can be managed with 'subject' (you can also call it 'daughter' or 'taken care of' but these meanings do not concur to the topic at hand)
My sound keys finds it difficult to completely tell us who exactly is God. It says that God is a kind of ground and the O there talks about the surface of something from invisibility/nothing. My sound keys seems to be saying that God is a kind of ground subjected to creations. So to achieve an understandable definition of God, the very God written in the bible and other sacred and holy books, we should not be seeking to define God, rather, we should be seeking to define God's self and God's presence.
God's Self and God's Presence
God's self is the US and WE. US reveals the defined God's self and WE reveals the undefined God's self. so when talking about God's self we should be highlighting US.
US is you and me. (for the fact that the Igbo language identifies ME and I as one, i will use ME not I)
God's presence is HE
H stands for presence
E stands for define
HE stands for defined presence of God
The truth is that you can not identify a particular person whom is God, but you can identify a particular person who stands as God's presence, so to identify how 'the God was born', we will start the trace from the visible me.
The origin of God begins from God's self. God's self is You and Me
The bible got the story of the creation of ME right, that is why I admire and fear the bible a lot! but when it comes to reasoning, I will say that the bible turned the story upside down and narrated it from bottom to the top. In so far as figure of speech exists, the biblical account is positive.
In the beginning was water (WE/mother)
and the next thing that came up wasn't God who created me, rather, after the water (WE/mother) was ME (God's self) who understood that ME exists
and to know why, ME searches and comes in contact with YOU (US)
and together ME and YOU produced HE (world/God's Presence) who defines (created) US
In all the letters of the Igbo alphabet, non stands for the word "create", the K that would have done the job means 'knowledge' or 'kill' instead. So the letter A (definition) plays the role. To create means to define. The letter R would have done the job too. R stands for 'build' but there is a fine line between to create and to build. both are not the same. For more understanding on the issue of how God was born, I will answer this question.
'what is the world?'
The world is the presence of US (you and I)
The world is the reflection of you. It is like when you look at your self in the mirror. The world is the doctors, lawyers, engineers, professors, architects, politicians, priests, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters etc. These set of professions are the reasons you and me exist.
'The reason a thing exists is the creator of the thing" The world is our 'presence' that makes it our creator (definer) and we are its parents.
The Invisible Me
We have already gotten the sketch we need. I will not stop here because the Invisible truly exists and 'the world being our creator' is just a symbol. Now we will begin the real mission to Invisibility so as to spot how this being called God was born. These three persons are still needed here. ME, YOU and HE.
The Igbo language identifying SPIRIT as MMUO reveals that ME is beyond the physical presence, and where there is ME, there must be YOU. This stands as a prove to my claim that there is nothing like billions and trillions of principalities and powers in the unseen, all we have is just a tiny peaceful family called US, when the connected and defined joins this US it transforms into WE. Going to the reversed realm of the unseen, when the defined leaves WE to carry on with their definition, the WE automatically becomes the US of the undefined who are connected or linked together by the definition they lack. This does not mean that the UNSEEN has no definition, I just put it that way for easy understanding.
The SEEN goes with the A equation (defined)
The UNSEEN goes with the AA equation (definer of the defined)
The existence of the SEEN stands for the part of speech called Noun and the existence of the UNSEEN stands for the part of speech identified as Verb.
The SEEN is food and the UNSEEN is eat
The SEEN is football and the UNSEEN is play
The SEEN is ear and the UNSEEN is hear
Both seen and unseen are interwoven. But this is not why I am here, I am here to tell you how this mighty being called GOD was born.
In the UNSEEN are beings whose identities are YOU and ME. The 'identities' I am talking about could be their names, occupations, hubby or something, but the words of God in the book of genesis which says, 'let us create man in our own image and likeness' is one of the proves that these beings look like us; head, hand, eyes, legs, speech, feeling, love, hate etc.
In the heart of the UNSEEN is existence and that's where the being called ME originated. Before the origin of ME, just stories existed. These stories stand as the symbol of the WATERS we see on earth. The stories are the WE who gave birth to US (me and you). One of the stories was that YOU, the father and mother of ME, brought me into existence. ME never saw that happening, it was just a story. The real existence began the very moment the ME understood that ME exists which means that a being called ME ignited existence. On the starting of existence, ME was completely ignorant of the reason why it existed. It wandered around the vast plain ground in wonder. It met a group of real beings whose real names are not revealed to reasoning, but whose group name may be interpreted as senses. Together, ME and this group formed the ME family (US of the unseen)
The ME family gave birth to the defined or characterized ME. AM stands for the Defined ME.
A stands for definition
M stands for me
In the realm of the unseen, the ME family have not ended the journey yet, so an evolution took place and the result was AM. The evolution took place when the formula X came into the ME family as a result of the coming together of ME and the group interpreted as senses. It is like when you and me comes together to start something. I can figure out sex as the only reasonable interpretation of X. AM as an equation is yet to be complete.
The evolution continued. Another X took place between AM and the beings interpreted as senses and the birth was a very mighty and absolutely complete being identified as I AM. I AM means the 'I of a defined ME'. It means a presence for the defined ME. I AM became the HE who stands as the presence of God. I AM became like the doctor, barrister, engineer, professor, architect, priest, etc, which I end up becoming after a long pursuit for carrier. It is a definer of me and the purpose of me's existence. It is me's creator.
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